
Showing posts from April, 2019


The scratchy beginnings of a short story. A survivor with a smile  Who walked inside the hell  Aside the devil, scorching fire . The sound of the laughter  Would bring anyone alive . Broken or torn? Wasnt my place to say For all , I never planned to stay. The eyes were not blind  To understand the blank brain. As they say 'it's the devil's workplace." The grin didn't cower from its original state As I found hell was the gate were angels unlaced their traits. The mask falling out from the visage Wavering out of their perfect image.  -Rishali Richard

Being a Voice.

We bleed ,we breathe,We fall ,we fly. Learning that sky is not the limit Looking down,is the only sight. Painting it with pinks and blues , That's when genders came into light. We speak ,we scream.To make it our right.  When Looks and cooks became priority. Books became our morality. I feel, I fear,I say the right time is near. Deep down I know it's far,To fit into the radar. So, I take a step ahead  To give voices for hushed whispers hanging on a thin thread. -Rishali Richard.




Prisoner to a person Inside a silver cage With a golden key as a barricade . Was set free like the never ending  sky with no boundaries Yet , the dark rimmed space think it's a mirage of visionary The nightfall brings the creased pearl alive Asking to go ,high above the sky To Play with the sprawled diamonds in the murky dice But, The dark velvet screen will not fade,until the next sunrise. Making me wonder ,if I'll be caged once again. -Rishali Richard

A Rollercoaster Ride

We all have our own rollercoaster. In which we ride at our own measures !. The person riding opposite to you can be in the top , But their roller coaster is never gonna pause for you!. Your roller coaster can take you to the rock bottom ; To take you back and make you fly above the group, To make you understand life is full of ups and down too. And your the operator with the control tool! -Rishali Richard